Friday, November 2, 2007

I want my kitchen back!

I have been married for almost three months. For our wedding, and just after our wedding, we got loads of fabulous gifts, most of them were for the kitchen. I bought a new, fabulous set of pots and pans, plus some Le Crueset pieces, plus amazing bake ware. And, of course, a KitchenAid, new towels, new plates and silverware and glasses and everything fabulous a foodie/chef could want.

For almost three weeks now, those amazing pieces, I suspect, have gone un-touched. John basically admittted to me he has been eating mostly frozen meals. I don't blame him, I'm a fabulous cook, any attempt he might have would fail in comparison. Actually, John's a good cook too, but without a dishwasher, cooking and cleaning for one is a pain. John will be much more appreciative of my cooking when I return, I'm sure. I'm already dreaming of all the things I will make when I get back: soups and stews and risottos and butternut squashes and muffins and breads and cookies.

I've cooked here a few times, including last night. But its just not the same. The ingredients are different, which makes me stick to the basics. For example, I was brave and bought some ground poultry last week. It was gross, not what I'm used to. I ate it, but I'll save meats until I get home. I bought some eggs this week, but I'm nervous to try them. Last night, my dinner was pretty good, basic, but good. Something I would make for John on a weeknight. I even took some pictures to prove that I cooked. And, yes, then I had to clean. I was thankful that the roommates took the holiday and went to the mountains. I had the house to myself for a few hours. The only thing missing on this Thursday night (in order of occurence at home, NOT importance!): my cat, Grey's Anatomy and Johnny.

Sigh, I am in countdown mode know. I only have to wake up on one more Friday in Spain. . . .

And now, pics from the kitchen:
cooking pasta with a tomato and zucchini sauce:

My ingredients and tools. I HAD to buy some red pepper. food here is blllaaaaannnnnnddddd

A self-portrait of me in the kitchen

Have I told you how amazing the olive oil is here?


Unknown said...

i'm fairing pretty well by ingredients, but my trouble here has been that my apartment, which i rented furnished, is a little meager in the kitchen equipment. my knives, for instance, suck.

but olive oil-- yes. so cheap, too. also, i love that the second-tier lite oil of choice is sunflower oil, rather than plain yucky old "vegetable oil."

John Dip said...

looks like you are being creative, which is natural for you.